Silver surfer 9 variant
Silver surfer 9 variant

silver surfer 9 variant

Marvel pulled out all the stops, making it a bimonthly 72 pages long, costing $0.25 instead of the then-standard $0.12, with a 40-page original Silver Surfer story each month.

silver surfer 9 variant

The Surfer appeared in FF several more times over the next two years, and by 1968, was popular enough to merit his own series. Nor is there any doubt about the values of those comics.

#Silver surfer 9 variant series#

He may not even truly fit the definition of "super-hero" in the first place, but there is no doubt about the quality of the work in the first series to bear his name. The Silver Surfer was a fan favorite long before he turned up in the second film of the modern Fantastic Four franchise. Make no mistakes: the Surfer doesn't come by his hipster cred simply because he showed up in an "art film", or because he surfs. The Silver Surfer practically oozes cool, memorably illustrated in the 1983 remake of Truffaut's film Breathless, in which Jesse Lujack (portrayed by Richard Gere with more than a nod to Jack Kerouac) constantly and anachronistically reads Silver Surfer comics aloud, the camera lovingly lingering over John Buscema's pencil work as Stan Lee’s cosmic dialogue metaphorically sums up Jesse's experiences. You can buy the collected Silver Surfer issues in Marvel Masterworks if you cannot afford the originals. The Surfer must endure the soap-opera-like heartbreak of sending her back to Zenn-La once more, since only their advanced medicine has any hope of saving her life. Meanwhile, conveniently, the dictator of the South American nation where this is all happening shoots Yarro Gort's ship out of the sky. Of course, the ship arrives just as the Surfer receives an innocent kiss from a young South American girl he has rescued. This unlikely Bluto to The Surfer's Popeye brought Shalla-Bal to Earth to prove that the Surfer was not faithful to her, so that he could convince her to stop waiting for Norrin, and marry him instead. It transpired that Shalla-Bal had been transported to earth by Yarro Gort, Norrin Radd's rival for Shalla-Bal's affections, and the wealthiest man on Zenn-La. We see another of the many instances in which the Surfer is *almost* reunited with his lost love, Shalla-Bal.

Silver surfer 9 variant